Improvements to the Supported Bail service

Recent changes to the youth justice system, including raising the youth justice age to include more 17-year-olds, as well as concerns about a rise in bail condition breaches, mean that we are looking at how we can improve the Supported Bail service. A number of areas...

Supporting volunteering during COVID-19 Alert Levels

The Government is very aware of the important role of volunteering in our community and the impacts on volunteering from the current COVID-19 restrictions. The COVID-19 National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC) is working to provide support for organisations that rely...

Legal Support during Covid 19

In line with the kaupapa to support our whanau during this stressful time, we (Te Korimako) have set up a facebook page. We will be providing the latest information regarding the family court (incl family violence, parenting – care and contact), youth court, district...

Legal Support during Covid 19

If you are in need of Legal Support please read our Family Law list here who may be able to assist. Family Lawyers to assist Whānau who need urgent legal assistance FirmLawyerCell NumberEmailLance LawsonCarlo Hamon027 622 Oudyn021 277...